We are always on the lookout for perspectives on the American Dream, examples of people and organizations furthering social and economic mobility. Below are a few publications that we found particularly engaging and thought-provoking in January 2022.

Trust in America? 

In an animated video, Pew Research Center researchers explain their findings on the views of American's on economic inequality and trust in the U.S. economic system. Their research found that 61% of Americans said there is too much economic inequality in the country, and 46% believe the economy is hurting themselves and their families. 

Revitalizing Your Community

In a recent Harvard Business Review article, the authors write of the difficulty some entrepreneurs have to make a long-lasting impact in their communities. Following a case study of two businesses in Detroit, the article shares the importance of growing slowly, embedding strongly, and investing in ventures that lift communities up to achieve sustained self-reliance.

Aim for Abundance 

A writer in The Atlantic discusses the problem of "scarcity" in the United States. Whether the problem is the lack of accessible housing, health care provisions, education, or more, the article argues that America has to defend progress and growth through an "abundance agenda."

